Maxwell Flynn

Software Engineer

Columbus, Ohio, USA

C++, C#, Java, Rust, Golang, Kotlin, Swift, Unreal Engine
+1 (614) 467-0679


I am a highly-skilled and driven software engineer primarily working in C++. I have a proven track record of delivering reliable and effective implementations in any area of the software stack I am put in. I am known for my thorough problem-solving and research, both when developing a feature or debugging an issue. No matter if an issue or feature is mission-critical or otherwise, I can be relied upon to deliver quality results.

Employment History

AccelByte Inc

Software Engineer III

March 2023 - Present

  • Assisted in development of Payday 3 by Starbreeze Studios. Primary tasks involved working directly in the game's C++ code to implement multiplayer features such as matchmaking and server management. Also assisted with getting the game through console certification and platform services compliance.

Software Engineer II

January 2022 - March 2023

  • Assisted in development of Splitgate by 1047 Games. I worked alongside a small team of game client engineers from AccelByte and 1047 Games directly in the game's C++ code to port from a bespoke backend solution to AccelByte services.
  • Helped build a new solution for managing party and game sessions in AccelByte's core offering. My primary focus was in writing the Unreal C++ SDK and OnlineSubsystem code to interact with the backend API endpoints, leading two other engineers to assist in development. Additionally, I worked with the backend team on some of the design of the service to ensure quality for customers.

Software Engineer

August 2020 - January 2022

  • Worked on two contracts for two major publishers to create Unreal UMG UI for a cross-game and cross-platform social platform. Utilized both C++ and Unreal Blueprints.
  • Assisted in development of The Anacrusis by Stray Bombay. My primary focus was with initial integration of our online services to the game's C++ code. Including log in, matchmaking, and game server management. Additionally assisted with getting the game through console certification requirements.
  • Worked as the sole initial C++ engineer on a mission-critical initiative to create an Unreal OnlineSubsystem implementation for AccelByte services.